Our Story

Utah Wildflower Field

Our Journey

Our journey begins in a place where a lot of you might find yourselves now. When Mariah and I first met, we were both struggling college students that had grown tired of the boring day to day rotating cycles we had found ourselves in. Life has a funny way of trapping you in a routine, but lucky for us we found each other. We would sometimes stay hours after class finding ourselves completely lost in stories of our past travels. It was incredibly refreshing to find someone that had an equal passion for seeing the world. Eventually one thing led to another and we ultimately came to a conclusion that it was absolutely vital that we took a trip with each other, but as time went on our schedules got busier and it became harder and harder to keep up with this dream, and we quickly found ourselves in our last semester of our senior year.

Like many other plans, I had completely written off taking a trip with this beautiful girl I had a class with a few semesters ago, but Mariah has a special gift of always popping in at the right time. A few days before we were set to be off on spring break of our last semester I get a random text from her with the price of a flight to San Francisco. Immediately I began to feel my heart race. The kicker was the flight would only allow us to spend 24 hours in the city. Was it worth it? Was that enough time? We decided to go for it, and a few days later we found ourselves on our first flight together traveling across the states. Little did we know this was the first of many.

San Fransisco was like a dream come true. Although we spent more time in a plane than we did in the city, we quickly found ourselves falling in love with the rolling cobblestone streets and the unique tiny homes that found a way to nestle themselves into the hillsides. We knew that we found something special in that trip, and in each other.

San Francisco

Since Then









Our Mission

Our Mission is to ultimately be the number ONE travel resource to use when planning your next adventure. Whether its photography, pre-planning, or simple tips and tricks, we will try and pass on as much travel knowledge as we can. Although we still have many places to explore, we have learned a few things over our travels that may be valuable. If there is anything that you would like us to write about, ask us something, or simply want to say hi, please DO NOT hesitate to reach out to us. We would love to hear from you.