




Ahhh Paris… The city of love, laughter, and my favorite, Crêpes. One can quickly find themselves being seduced by the posh architecture that pulls you in at every street corner. Unlike most cities, its elegance is derived from centuries of wealth and culture that have been passed down through the generations. There is a sense of pride that blankets the city and foreshadows big things to come for those that have learned to embrace it. This is one of the many reasons that Paris has become the epicenter of fantastic food, amazing art, and forefront fashion.

Although Paris is mainly known for the items described above, the best part about this city is what most don’t know about it. It’s the little hidden gems that have found a way to flourish in the dark back allies away from the mainstream of the hustle and bustle. This is where you will find the best shops, cafes, bakeries, boutiques and of course architecture. This is probably one of the very few places in the world that you can see a beautifully designed ancient building covered in graffiti and somehow appreciate it. The way that modern urbanization and ancient culture have found a way to coexist is beautiful, and coming to that realization is what has made and continues to make Paris at the forefront of innovation.


Palais de Chaillot

(48.862493, 2.288114)

These infamous steps are mostly overshadowed by the incredible structure that resides in its background, but that’s also what makes them perfect for photos. While most people are attempting to find the perfect selfie from the crowded ground, you can be unique by playing with the slanted stone stairs while posing for the perfect shot.

Palace of Versailles

(48.805073, 2.120377)

This beautiful palace is covered in miles of lush green mazes that will leave you with plenty of spots to snap a photo. It is located just outside the city and is accessible through the metro by hopping on the RER C line. All this beauty does not come cheap though. It usually costs around €12 to get into the palace, and €20 for full access to the gardens.

Pont Alexandre III

(48.864104, 2.313623)

Alexander III Bridge also known as the Pont Alexandre III is an astounding piece of extravagant architecture. Its contemporary 19th century style is woven together by the cast iron lights that guide you across it. At the center you will find its design all tied together by two beautifully sculpted nymph statues that seem to connect each side.

Louvre Museum

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The Louvre Museum is probably one of the most popular photo spots in Paris, and for good reason. The crisp clear windows of the glass 3-sided pyramid seem to cut through the thick air and form the perfect contrast lines for any photo. A pro tip for this location is to get there early because it fills up rather fast once the light begins to crest the surrounding buildings.



Coffee Crepes

One of the greatest places to curb that crepe addiction is Coffee Crepes. This adorable little shop is conveniently located just east of the Louvre. Its simple rustic feel is very welcoming to weary travelers, and their generous portion sizes will be enough to send anyone on their way feeling topped off. They have managed to find the perfect mixture between light fluffy dough and thick whipped creme, all while being drizzled in a sweet chocolate sauce. It makes you feel guilty and proud all at the same time to be eating such delightful treat.


Transportation can be one of the hardest things to navigate when visiting a country where they do not speak your native language. Lucky for you, we already did the hard part. These are the easiest ways to get around this elegant city if you do not speak French.

1.) First, getting to and from the city can be a challenge in itself. Whether you land at the airport or cross from a neighboring country, you will still need to find a way to get in and out of the city. We found out that the RER B train is the best way to do so. This is one of the five lines that make up the Réseau Express Régional. This train is a lot like an above ground subway that makes numerous stops as it glides in and out of the city.

2.) Once you arrive in Paris it can become very overwhelming very fast with all the people, customs, and languages buzzing around you. The best way to navigate this culture shock quickly is by using the Metro. You never know what you might see on these quick flashes between stops. In a way though it’s one of the best things about Paris. The metro is filled with entertainment. From musicians to clowns and everything in between. You will hardly ever find yourself bored or falling asleep. An all-day metro pass will usually set you back around €7.50 or $8.35. This pass will get you unlimited rides within the inner most zones of the city. Otherwise, you can pay by trip, but we highly suggest getting the day pass.

3.) Finally, as simple as it may seem, riding a bike is a great option to use in this city. What’s that? You didn’t lug your bike with you halfway around the world on a tiny plane? Have no fear, we got you covered. In 2007, Velib was launched, which roughly translates to ‘Bike in Freedom”. This has become an incredibly popular way to get around by both locals and tourists. With 1,800 rental stations scattered around the city you should have no problem finding a rental spot. With Paris being at the forefront of climate change, this is a great way to respect the local culture and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.

Paris Transportation


Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower
(48.858497, 2.294470)

The Eiffel Tower is one of the LARGEST tourist attractions in the world, and quite frankly it’s easy to see why. This magnificent piece of architecture exceeds expectations 10 times over. It acts as a guiding lighthouse towering over a city ravaged by waves of incoming and outgoing travelers. It has found a way to outlast time and make its mark permanently in history. The whole city seems to bend and weave around it carrying it further and further into the center of Paris. One could almost say that it is the heartbeat that makes this incredible destination come to life.

Arc de Triomphe

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At the center of nothing, and at the center of everything stands the incredible Arc De Triomphe. This ginormous gateway is the centerpiece for a roundabout connecting 12 different streets. With this many roads you can imagine that it quickly floods with traffic as soon as the light begins to crest through the center. Its 4 massive pillars are designed to withstand the constant pressure of the heavy stone ceiling. Each one is inscribed with beautiful carvings and designs reflecting the victories of French culture and honoring those that fought and died defending their beautiful country.


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When it comes to famous cathedrals there are none that top the fame of Notre-Dame de Paris. This famous building has survived multiple wars, bombings, and fires. It is shrouded in gothic statues and figures that have etched their way into the history books. Despite undergoing multiple renovations, it has somehow been able to keep its rustic charming look and character. Its unique design is distinguishable by its double towers that stand at the entrance and its incredible spire that cuts through the air and stands guard over the premise.

Les Catacombes de Paris

(48.834023, 2.332422)

Roughly twenty meters underground lies the Catacombs de Paris. These famous graves are buried in mysteries and folklore. This vast underground network of tunnels and chasms hold the remains of more than 6 million people. Just simply walking through these narrow corridors is an eerie experience. With each step downward the air begins to thicken, the light begins to fade, and you quickly find yourself surrounded by the remains of the past. You can’t help but constantly check over your shoulder to see who is there.